Hôtel des Invalides
Museum in Paris, France
The Hôtel des Invalides, commonly called Les Invalides, is a complex of buildings in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, France, containing museums and monuments, all relating to the military history of France, as well as a hospital and an Old Soldiers' retirement home, the building's original purpose.
Address: 75007 Paris, France
Hours: Open now
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Is Les Invalides still a hospital?
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The Hôtel des Invalides commonly called Les Invalides is a complex of buildings in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, France, containing museums and monuments ...
A prominent sight in the Parisian landscape thanks to its famous gilded Dome, the Hôtel National des Invalides is an exceptional monument.
5 days ago · Les Invalides, 17th-century complex in Paris built for disabled veterans, now also housing museums, a church, and the tombs of Napoleon I ...
Constructed from 1671 to 1676 by Libéral Bruant, then by Jules Hardouin-Mansart and Robert de Cotte, it is one the most prestigious monuments in Paris.
The Hôtel des Invalides was commissioned in 1670 by Louis XIV in order to provide accommodation and hospital care for wounded soldiers.
Built from 1676 to 1706 at the direction of Louis XIV as a veterans' hospital, the Hôtel des Invalides boasts an elegant classical façade and impressive dome.
Originally a home for retired soldiers, Les Invalides in Paris is today a military museum, a monument to French history, and the tomb of Napoloen.
The Hotel National des Invalides is a complex of buildings in the 7th district of Paris. It was built under Louis XIV in 1677 to house invalids of his armies.
This 17th century hospital stands as an example of Baroque architecture and is home to the richly decorated tomb of Napoleon Bonaparte.
The Hôtel National des Invalides is a monumental complex located in the 7th arrondissement of Paris, France. It was originally built as a hospital and hospice ...